Chocolate Caramel filled Easter Croissants
Easter is just one week away and we’re sure you are looking for yummy recipes to fill your Easter menu. We think our chocolate caramel filled Easter croissants deserve a spot on your Easter menu. They’re delicious and will add a beautiful pop of spring color to your table and they’re simple so to make. The hardest thing about our chocolate caramel filled Easter croissants is deciding if you are going to serve them as a dessert or on the table as part of your main Easter spread. There’s no stress with these little beauties they will even make the Easter bunny proud.
First you need to determine how many people you will be serving. Each package of croissants serves 8 and as yummy as these are you may want to plan on serving 2 per person.
You’ll need to pick up the desired number of packages of croissants you want to make; you’ll also need to pick up Cadbury Caramel eggs. You will want the small ones they come 8-10 to a package. We tried using the larger eggs…they are just too big. You could also use Rolos if you can’t find the Cadbury eggs.

Unroll the croissants. Place one Cadbury egg on the wide end of the triangle and proceed to roll the croissant up as you normally would. We then gently pinched the open sides together so that none of the chocolaty caramel goodness would leak out the ends as it melts inside the croissant. Place each croissant on a cookie sheet and bake according to directions.
Let the croissants cool completely before adding the drizzle of colors. We used a store bought cream cheese frosting for the drizzle. Decide how many colors you want to use. We used yellow, pink and white (the color of the frosting).
Place a generous 2 or 3 scoop of frosting in a microwave safe bowl. Heat each bowl separately in the microwave in 5-8 second increments until the frosting is loose and runny. Add your desired color and thoroughly stir. Add color a few drops at a time; it’s very easy to overdue your color. If your color is more vibrant than you would like it to be just add some more white frosting to tone it down.
When coloring food items we like to use gel color. You can find it in the cake decorating isle at any craft store.
When it comes to drizzling your frosting we started with the pink, then yellow and finished with the white. It helps to drizzle the frosting over 2-3 croissants at a time. Using a back a forth motion let the frosting run off the end of a spoon as you pass over the croissants; continuing to layer the colors. For a finishing touch we added pink pearl nonpareils.
Happy Easter, Life is Delicious!