Peach Cobbler

Culinary Tools: 8” Skillet


  • 1/2 – of a cake mix. (We use Spice or Butter cake mix)
  • 1 – 14 oz. can of peaches in juice or syrup


Pour the can of peaches into a cold 1 qt or 2 qt saucepan.  Sprinkle the 1/2 cake mix dry over the peaches, seal the lid and place on medium heat.  When the valve whistles, reduce the heat to just above low (2 on 1- 10) for 12-15 minutes.  When it is finished, the dry mix will absorb the moisture from the peaches and you will see a hard cobbler crust on top.  Enjoy!


Every stove cooks differently and on some stoves, low is almost off.  If for some reason the cake mix is still uncooked in the allotted time, turn back on medium until the whistle sounds and reduce back down to low (2 on 1-10) for 5 more minutes.  If this happens, then use a little higher heat on low the next time.

The butter cake mix will make the dessert taste just like peach cobbler and the spice cake mix will give it a more cinnamon taste for the holidays!