Minimum Moisture Cookware and a Harley Result in Ear-to-Ear Smiles in Nowata, Oklahoma. 2019

Thomas and his entire family love to ride Harley Davidson motorcycles. Everyone in the family had a Harley except Thomas. Thomas said, “I just about fell over in shock when I got the phone call informing me that I was the The Kitchen Tradition 2019 Harley Davidson winner.” Thomas was in Kansas City visiting his sister over the New Year’s holiday when he received the call from Jonathan Connell and Steve Owen telling him of his good fortune. Thomas just kept saying, “You’re kidding me, right? Oh, I hope you’re not kidding.”
Thomas sold his last Harley some time ago and ever since then he has wanted to get another one, especially since riding Harley motorcycles was a regular family event. His family is known for taking Sunday afternoon rides and weekend long trips. One of the favorite family events was to participate in the Harley Davidson Jamboree in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Thomas shared how excited he will be to ride his new Iron 883 Harley and proudly park amongst all the bikes and swap stories with the other Harley riders.
Thomas shared, “There’s nothing quite like riding an American-made Harley or an Indian motorcycle. The quality and detail just doesn’t exist in any other bikes. It’s like belonging to a brotherhood. No matter who you are or your status in life, when you’re at a Harley Jamboree everyone just comes together to drink a beer and share their Harley stories.”
Thomas and his family love their cookware. They love the full favor of the food that is achieved from minimum moisture cooking and the ease of clean up. Thomas and his family are raving fans of their cookware and now the proud owners of a new motorcycle!
David and Michel from Bend, Oregon are the 2017 lucky winners of our Harley Davidson sweepstakes from Dinner4Two.
David exclaimed, “ it didn’t really sink in I had won a Harley until I got off the phone and was telling my wife…she started smiling because I was smiling, honestly we were dumbfounded by the whole situation.” “At first I thought it was a scam,” David said; “but they had all my contact information and never asked for a credit card or any kind of payment or money.”
David said, “We had forgotten all about the Harley sweepstakes until a couple of weeks after attending the cooking demonstration. Michel was cleaning the apartment and found the registration card.” Upon finding the registration card Michel said, “I guess we should fill this out and mail it in…you never know what might happen.”
They attended their culinary demonstration in early January 2017 and by the time we called they had completely forgotten about the Harley Davidson sweepstakes they registered for.
David has been riding motorcycles for 12 years and has owned six…but this Harley is at the top of his list as one of his favorites. We asked him what his thoughts were when he walked into the Harley Davidson dealership in Bend to pick up his prize, he said, “honestly, I was thinking, I hope I don’t stall it out in the parking lot driving away.”
We asked David one last question, what was the highlight of his wedding, without hesitation he said, “getting my wife, Michel.” Ok, David that was honestly so sweet!
David’s final comment to us was, “I got the bike so it’s clearly not a scam. Thank you for the sweepstakes!”
Congrats to David and Michel on winning our 2017 Harley Davidson sweepstakes.
We think it’s safe to say David agrees with us…Life is delicious!

Congrats to Dillon and Sabrina on winning the 2016 Harley Davidson from Dinner4Two. The lucky winners are from Jefferson City, Missouri. Scott Willenbrock from RP Missouri shared in the fun at the presentation.
Sabrina was shocked to get the call from Scott she and Dillion had won the Harley. She said, “To be honest I thought it was a scam I asked what the catch was. I do remember filling out the card but I just didn’t think I could win. I never win anything and I just was totally shocked and surprised. Really, because who Ever wins.”
Sabrina and Dillion are looking forward to getting out and taking long rides. She Commented “We haven’t been out on it yet, we have to get our motorcycle licenses and I just had knee surgery and can’t go out riding yet. It’ll be a few months before I can go out” With a big smile on her face she commented, “I have sat on it.”
“I’ve always wanted to be a HOG member/owner. Growing up my grandparents always had a Harley and were Hog members; that’s why I always wanted to be a Hog member. I rode with my grandpa in my teens around town in Boliver, Tn I loved those days, I have great memories, those are cherished memories.”
In addition Sabrina said, “When my husband and I attended the Dinner4Two Culinary demonstration my husband thought it was a scam when we first sat down. I wanted to go because it sounded fun and I was excited. We had fun and enjoyed the food that was cooked. I ordered the champagne flutes and really love them.”
Sabrina and Dillion Dinner4Two is excited for both of you to get out on the open road and create new memories, congrats to both of you!
Life is Delicious!

Congratulations to Brandy and Calvin from Campbell River, BC, Canada on winning the Dinner4Two 2016 dream honeymoon to Secrets Papagayo in Costa Rica.
“We sat down with Brandy and asked her what she thought about being our 2016 Dream honeymoon winner? She was fun to talk to and here’s what she had to tell us…”I didn’t really believe it…but at the same time I was super excited. Who doesn’t want to win a free honeymoon and to Costa Rica. I don’t remember filling out the registration card but my husband does. I do remember attending the Dinner4Two culinary demonstration. We bought the cookware. What I like the best about the cookware is how it cooks vegetables, it’s simple and they turn out delicious.”

One of the things Brandy kept telling us was her wedding was simple…”Like my wedding Calvin’s proposal was simple – ‘I walked in the door from a pretty stressful day at work, Calvin was acting weird, he gave me this cute little speech then he got down on one knee and asked if I would marry him. The first thing I said, is this for real and have you asked my dad.”
They were engaged for 2 years and married on Aug 6th 2016. The ceremony and reception were held at the home of childhood neighbors on the river; it was a colorful rustic outdoor wedding. Brandy shared this about the day of her wedding to Calvin, “the morning of our wedding was pretty stressful for me…it poured down rain and it hadn’t rained all summer. Luckily, by the time the guests starting arriving it had stopped and the rest of the day was pretty with blue skies.”
All her maids wore different color dresses of the same style dress. She loved the color palette and how it added and dressed the wedding without having the expense of decorations. The flowers her maids carried were beautiful large dahlias; they added to the fresh and organic woodsy wedding. Her groomsmen wore clean gray tuxes with gray ties without the jacket. Her groom wore the same gray tux but with the jacket.

Brandy’s wedding cake was Carrot Cake and iced with cream cheese frosting, of course – again, it was simple. She used flowers to decorate the cake. One additional signature piece of her wedding was her candy buffet. She had candy to match the colors of her bridesmaids dresses; but her favorite candy was the bon bons – “I love those.”
Our last question to Brandy…looking back is there anything you would have done different? “I wish I hadn’t stressed out so much about the rain. Everyone said it was going to stop. But in my head that’s not what was going on.”
Brandy and Calvin didn’t get to take a honeymoon; they’re both looking forward to going to the beautiful and tropical Secrets Papagayo resort and spa.
Life is Delicious!
2015 Dinner4Two Harley Davidson Sweepstakes Winner

Congratulations to Mike & Tina from Massachusetts on winning the 2015 Harley Davidson from Dinner4Two by Kitchen Charm. They’ll be spending fun times riding the open road.
When Mike got the phone call he was in utter disbelief he had won. Not quite sure if winning the Harley was for real, he made his way in the house to put the phone on speaker and had his wife Tina listen in. When he was reminded he and Tina had attended a Dinner4Two culinary demonstration in early 2015 and were given an entry card to the Harley sweepstakes and they actually filled out the card and mailed it in; the reality set in the call was in fact legitimate.
It was then the excitement set in and celebrating could be heard over the phone. Given Mike’s travel schedule as an airline pilot, the date selected to receive his 2016 Harley 883 Iron was February 11, 2016. Mike’s next priority is getting his driver’s license updated to include a motorcycle endorsement. When asked to share their advise to others who have an opportunity to attend a culinary demonstration for Dinner4Two Tina and Mike offered, ”Definitely attend! You have a chance to win. You can’t win if you don’t play.”
Life is Delicious

Who doesn’t love the idea of your toes in the water, your butt in the sand, palm trees blowin, a drink in your hand and a place where your skin is kissed by the sun?
We’re excited to announce Vicki and Dan from Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin are the lucky 2015 grand prize Hawaiian honeymoon winners from Dinner4Two. Aloha and pack your bags Vicki and Dan you’re going to the beautiful Hawaiian Islands of, Maui and the peaceful garden isle of Kauai. The couple will spend 3 nights in the luxurious accommodations of the Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa and the serene and posh Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and spa. The prize also includes round trip airfare for two and $1000.00 cash spending money. Vicki stated, “we enjoyed the cooking demonstration; when I filled out the card for the honeymoon drawing I never ever dreamed WE would be the WINNERS of the 2015 grand prize Hawaiian honeymoon sweepstakes. Thanks so much Dinner4Two!”
Our activity couple is outdoor enthusiast. They love spending time at the lake, jet skiing, watering skiing, wake boarding and hangin out with family.
Vicki shared the cutest story with us of how she and Dan met…She was 17 and Dan was 18; it was summer break, can you see where this is going, budding summer romance at the lake? She was at her family’s lake house and across the lake was Dan hangin out with his dad fishing at his grandparent’s lake house. Vicki, says, “he was always fishing.” One day while on her jet ski she headed over to check out the cute guy across the lake who was always fishing and asked if he wanted a ride on her jet ski, (great pick up line we thought) Well…all Vicki heard was no. Vicki thought Dan had said no, when actually it was Dan’s dad. Sad and rejected this boy had turned her down for a ride on her fun Jet Ski she returned to her side of the lake and promptly told her dad. Vicki then headed back out on the lake to splash off the sadness of Dan’s rejection.
Being a wonderful dad who didn’t want his sweet daughter’s heart to be broken or sad; he jumped in the family ski boat and ran across the lake to speak with this boy and his dad. But a funny thing happened…the cute boy explained to Vicki’s dad he wanted to say yes, but she sped off to fast not giving him a chance to answer with a yes. Dad being a great dad had Dan jump in the boat and they headed off across the lake to find Vicki so she and Dan could spend time on the lake that day jet skiing. That summer was full of romance and Vicki and Dan got engaged June 7, 2013.
They will celebrate becoming Mr & MRS on June 11th this year. They’re planning an outdoor reception at the country club with 300 of their friends and family. Vicki is having her maids wear strapless light purple dresses and she adds, “Her five maids really love their dresses.” Her bouquet is going to be filled with delicate orchids and white roses. Their cake will be decorated with fresh flowers and have butter crème frosting, chocolate filling with yellow cake.
Vicki is finishing up her last semester of medical school and will graduate the end of May and add MD to the end of her name. But the title she’s most excited about adding to her name is MRS. They’re sneaking in the wedding and moving to a new city between graduation and the beginning of her medical residency July 1.
They look forward to taking their honeymoon in January and getting a much needed break from Old Man Winter and the stress of being a first year medical resident. “The idea of just relaxing and spending time together, just the two of us on the beach beneath the palm trees with a warm tropical breeze, is so appealing,” states Vicki. Aloha, Vicki and Dan.
Life is Delicious
2014 Harley Davidson Sweepstakes Winner
Congratulations Nick & Jen on being our 2014 Harley Davidson winners! After being contacted and informed he had won the drawing, Nick was in disbelief. “I never win anything. Is this for real?” Nick questioned. Once assured that he had in fact won the drawing, Nick was elated with his good fortune. Nick was grateful that Jen had followed up by filling in the information and mailing the sweepstakes ticket. Nick’s mother, father and brother joined Jen & Nick for the presentation of the motorcycle. Jen & Nick’s wedding date is June 6, 2015
On January 22, 2015 Nick Neville and his fiancé Jen Beard were presented a Harley Davidson in Peoria, Illinois by Steve Owen, Vice President of Sales for the Kitchen Charm product division of The Kitchen Tradition Enterprises. Nick and Jen received their sweepstakes drawing card while attending a Dinner 4 Two product demonstration hosted by John & Kathy Willenbrock.
Congrats to our 2013 Dream Honeymoon Winners!
Congrats to our 2013 Paris honeymoon grand prize winners, Keyshia Landry and Louis-Philippe Dionne
Who would have thought a night playing bingo could turn into happily ever after? That is exactly what happened for Keyshia and her prince charming, Louis. She was playing bingo got bored and decided to check out what was going on at the bar downstairs. After surveying the room she discovered a friend hanging with a really cute guy. She sashayed over to her friend put her arm around Louis and said, “you are cute, I’d make you mine,” and 4 years later they are engaged and planning their wedding.
Louis proposed on News Years eve. It was not your usual proposal. Both Keyshia and Louis had the flu. He woke her up at midnight popped the question, put a ring on her finger and they both fell back asleep. The next morning when she woke up Keyshia screamed at seeing the ring on her finger and wondering where it had come from and how it had gotten on her finger. She had no recollection from the midnight proposal from the night before, but she was excited!
Talk about putting your signature on your wedding! Keyshia loves Halloween and they are having a Halloween themed wedding on Halloween eve. This bride loves Halloween, it’s her favorite holiday. She is walking down the isle in a white dress with black accents and for the reception she’s changing to a black and orange ball gown. Her maids are wearing black dresses with an orange sash. The groomsmen will be wearing Vera Wang black tuxes with oranges vests and tie of course. You gotta love this signature detail…Their signature cocktail is Swamp water. Before you turn your nose up look at what’s inside… Peach schnapps, orange juice, blue bolls. Keyshia exclaimed, “It turns a toxic green, it’s so cool.”
Louis is French and from Montreal and has been to Paris several times. Both the bride to be and her groom to be, want to go someplace warm with a beach for their honeymoon. It’s cold at their house most of the year; they’re from New Brunswick, Canada. These two love birds have chosen to go some place different than Paris. They’re going to Hawaii!
Keyshia is a self professed bakeaholic! She loves to cook and bake. She loves her Dinner4Two cookware and bake ware. She and Louis got the 7 piece set. Her favorite piece is the 10.5 inch skillet, “I cook everything in that pan, It’s my main go to pan.”
This sweet bride has a servant’s heart. Keyshia is always making mini pies; cherry, apple and taking them to the shelters, Harvest House and House of Nazareth. She has also been known to make 150 cake pops to take to the shelter as well.
2013 Harley Davidson Winners
OORAH (as the Marines would say it) for Crystal & David our 2013 Harley Davidson winners!! Crystal said, “Winning a prize like a Harley motorcycle is so surreal. I’ve never won anything.”
This cute couple live in Alaska where they met. We salute David for serving the United States in the Marines Corps. When we asked if they had a chance to ride their new toy, Crystal exclaimed, “It’s way too cold right now in Alaska, so we probably won’t have a chance to ride until the snow melts in May…but we are really excited to try it out!”
We asked this beautiful bride to share some of her wedding details with us and share she did. Her theme is rustic elegance. Her colors are bluish gray with coral and mint accents. The rustic is representative of her reception location…an old gold mine. Her head table is going to have wooden chargers with sliver candelabras. The elegance part of the theme is going to be her dress she said with a sweet chuckle and then added, “We will have lots of silver and flowers.” She thinks their first dance song will probably be, Have a Little Faith in me by John Hiatt.