Beef Casserole

Culinary Tools:

  • 10½- inch RoyalCore Electric Skillet
  • Food Cutter (Cones #1 and #3)
  • Mixing Bowls
  • Chef’s Knife
  • Paring Knife


  • 3 cups potato, cut into small strips (Cone #3)
  • 2 cups carrot, cut into small strips (Cone #3)
  • 2 cups cabbage, cut into small strips (Cone #3)
  • 2 cups yellow squash, cut into small strips (Cone #3)
  • 2 cups Pepper Jack or Monterrey cheese, fat free and shredded (Cone #1)
  • ½ cup onions, finely chopped
  • 1 cup basil, chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 pound lean ground beef
  • ½ cup raisins
  • 1 (12-ounce) can cream of mushrooms light
  • 1 cup sliced and roasted almonds
  • Salt and black pepper to taste


With the Food Cutter, process potato, carrot, cabbage, yellow squash and cheese, using the cones specified above. Place each vegetable and cheese in separate Mixing Bowls. With the Chef’s Knife, cut onions and basil according to the instructions. Mince garlic with the Paring Knife.

Preheat the RoyalCore at 350 ?F. When it beeps (4 minutes), add onion and garlic; mix well for 1 minute.

Add ground beef (previously seasoned with salt and pepper to taste) and raisins; stir well for 4 minutes. Spread evenly to make the first layer on bottom of RoyalCore. Turn temperature down to 250 ?F. Make second layer with potato, third layer with carrot, fourth layer with yellow squash, fifth layer with cabbage, sixth layer with the cream of mushroom and seventh layer with almonds; sprinkle the cheese and basil in between each layer and on top. Cover with Redy-cook valve open. When it whistles (3 minutes), reduce temperature to 225 ?F and cook for 25 minutes.

Chef’s Note: The RoyalCore Temperature Probe allows you to choose the optimal setting for your recipes. The built in timer will allow you to customize your cooking time. Once the set time is over, the appliance will shut off automatically. You can adjust your temperature and cooking time at any point during cooking (make sure to turn the probe back on after it reaches desired time, unless you are done). The RoyalCore will also remain hot after it has been unplugged.