Dinner4Two 2015 Harley Davidson Sweepstakes Winner


Dinner4Two 2015 Harley Davidson Sweepstakes Winner

Congratulations to Mike & Tina from Massachusetts on winning the 2015 Harley Davidson from Dinner4Two by Kitchen Charm. They’ll be spending fun times riding the open road.

When Mike got the phone call he was in utter disbelief he had won. Not quite sure if winning the Harley was for real, he made his way in the house to put the phone on speaker and had his wife Tina listen in.  When he was reminded he and Tina had attended a Dinner4Two culinary demonstration in early 2015 and were given an entry card to the Harley sweepstakes and they actually filled out the card and mailed it in; the reality set in the call was in fact legitimate.

It was then the excitement set in and celebrating could be heard over the phone.  Given Mike’s travel schedule as an airline pilot, the date selected to receive his 2016 Harley 883 Iron was February 11, 2016.  Mike’s next priority is getting his driver’s license updated to include a motorcycle endorsement.  When asked to share their advise to others who have an opportunity to attend a culinary demonstration for Dinner4Two Tina and Mike offered, ”Definitely attend!  You have a chance to win.  You can’t win if you don’t play.”

Life is Delicious