Cream Cheese Christmas Tree Appetizer

Cream Cheese Christmas Tree Appetizer

Cream Cheese Christmas Tree
Cream Cheese Christmas Tree Appetizer

Tis one of the merriest of holiday seasons of the year; full of good cheer, with parties to attend and culinary delights to share. We’ve been in the Dinner4Two kitchen creating these culinary delights that will get you out of the kitchen and back to the party. Who can resist a sweet and savory appetizer that’s screams delicious, is deceptively easy and super fast to make…not us!

We know you’re busy and in need of recipes that showcase and capture the merriment of the season, yet are beautiful and have your friends and family remarking…how does she find the time for that? Our cream cheese Christmas tree appetizer accomplishes all that and more.  It delivers high praise when it comes to flavor and adds a nice compliment of color to your buffet table and will certainly delight any party hostess.

You can pick up extra bricks of cream cheese, hot pepper jam, bell peppers and green onions to have on hand for that last minute party invite. Cut out your bell pepper stars ahead of time and have those ready to go as well. You literally can put this together in less than 10 minutes.

We also think this would be a fabulous addition to a New Years Day brunch.


  • 2 large bell peppers – 1 red and 1 green – cut your star from these to top your tree
  • 2 bricks cream cheese
  • 1 jar Hot pepper jam
  • 1 green onion


Cut the bell peppers in half; remove the seeds and the core. With the cut side down cut out a star and set aside. This took us a couple of tries before we got the star we were looking for. Clean and cut the green onion in half.

With the cream cheese brick horizontal cut diagonal down one side. Place the straight sides of the cream cheese together so it makes the shape of a Christmas tree. We found it was easier to place the two bricks of cream cheese side by side to start so we didn’t get confused as to which side to cut.

Spoon the hot pepper jam over the cream cheese. Add the star on top and the green onion for the trunk.

Before you serve this let it sit out a bit before serving to give the cream cheese a chance to soften. Serve with your favorite crackers.

Life is Delicious