Easter Egg Cakes
Look what the Easter bunny brought…no, not chocolate eggs; these sweet Easter egg cupcakes. You may think we are cracked, but these are a show stopper. No one can resist these easy to make colorful Easter egg cupcakes! Are you thinking you don’t have any creative talent? Think again; these jewels are super easy to make. The hardest part is cracking the eggs and we know you can crack an egg. We even have a video to walk you through the process step by step.

Here’s what you’ll need…a white store bought cake mix, food coloring, one container of pre made white frosting and a mini muffin pan.

Mix the cake mix according to the package directions. Decide what colors you would like your eggs to be, 4-5 colors works best. Divide the cake batter into bowls. One bowl per color; add the food coloring and thoroughly mix until the food coloring is completely combined. Transfer the colored cake batter into plastic baggies. Close the top and snip off one corner. Only snip one bag at a time. Fill all your eggs with one color and then move onto the next color. You are layering color inside your eggs. Use your egg carton as your stand to put your eggs in to fill them with the cake batter. Fill your eggs NO MORE than three quarters full. A little less than three quarters is optimal. Once your eggs are filled transfer them to a mini muffin pan for baking.
Important note – DO NOT over fill your eggs; if you do as they are baking the batter will ooze out the top and run all over your oven. Trust us when we say…NOT FUN!
Turn oven to 350 degree and bake for 20 minutes.
Once the eggs have cooled peel them and drizzle frosting over the top.
Life is Delicious!