Culinary Tools:
- Chef’s Knife
- Roasting Pan
- 2 cups sweet potatoes, peeled 1-inch diced
- 2 cups red onion, peeled and slice in ½-inch wedges
- 2 cups cauliflower, 1-inch florets
- 2 cups fennel, sliced in ½-inch wedges
- 2 cups Brussels sprouts, cut in half
- 2 tablespoons garlic, chopped
- 2 tablespoons oregano, chopped
- 2 tablespoons rosemary, chopped
- ¼ cup balsamic vinegar
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
Preheat the oven to 375 °F. Using the Chef’s Knife cut the ingredients as directed. Place all ingredients in the Roasting Pan and mix well. Place pan in the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes or until vegetables are tender and lightly browned. Serve with your favorite meat or by itself.