Mix and Mingle Tips and Tricks to Alcohol
You know all eyes are going to be on you the day of your wedding and looking your ultimate best is at the forefront of you mind. You are going to have so many parties to attend to in your honor. The fun is just beginning.
Most of these fun soiree’s will have some kind of delicious adult beverage for pleasurable imbibing; while they’ll be most tempting, there are a few facts you should consider before you down 2 or 3 of them. They’re loaded with calories and your body doesn’t metabolize them…what are you talking about…meaning they are ripe for being turned into fat…Yikes! Moderation and slow slipping are just one of the keys Balance by Brittany suggests so you can enjoy the pleasure of partaking while keeping your bride beautiful figure.
We think Brittany has some killer suggestions when it comes to being a gracious guest of honor and having your adult beverage and drinking it too. Her mix and mingle tips and tricks approach to alcohol will help you keep a handle on over imbibing and putting on extra pounds you are working so hard to rid your body of.
Life is Delicious!