Wedding Day Emergency Kit
When it comes to calming wedding day stress it’s always good to follow the Boy Scout mantra of “Be Prepared.” No matter how much time you’ve spent meticulously planning out every detail for your wedding day there’s always those unexpected mishaps that just simply happen…like waking up on your wedding day to a forecast of heavy rain, a migraine headache or even the unthinkable front and center blemish on your face. Don’t let anything rob you of the joy that your wedding day has arrived.
Be prepared and armed with an arsenal of items and a wedding day emergency kit. By expecting the unexpected on your wedding day, your wedding day emergency kit will have you prepared for those unplanned emergencies in a snap. When gathering items for your emergency kit, be sure to include anything that you know you will need…like an epee pen or any other medications you routinely rely on. Customize your wedding day emergency kit to fit your needs. Once you’ve decided what should be included in your kit, grab your main gal and your mom and have them take a look to see if you have overlooked anything.

Here’s our comprehensive list of all the items we could possibly come up with to include in your wedding day emergency kit. From personal hygiene, medical mini emergencies to hair and makeup mishaps and the random miscellaneous must haves. From mouthwash, hair spray and pins to double sided tape, these items will ensure you can make it through any wedding day emergency with confidence.
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Hand sanitizer
Breath mints
Lip balm
Baby powder
Makeup remover
Cotton balls and Q-Tips
Eye drops
Oil absorbing blotting sheets
Pain reliever or aspirin
Allergy medication – crucial for outdoor weddings!
Epee pen
Blister treatment
Moleskin – for uncomfortable shoes
Band aids
First aid kit
Hairspray – go for something high quality for such an important occasion. You can even find humidity resistant hair sprays for those hot summer weddings
Comb or brush
Bobby pins – black, brown and blonde
Mascara – waterproof for those tears of joy
Clear nail polish – for nail touchups and also for pantyhose tears
Cover up or face makeup
Eye cream
Teaspoons (4)– keep these in the freezer, use for an allergy attack of your eyes or swollen red eyes from too little sleep. Hold the back of the spoon over the affected area and massage gently to calm puffy redness and relieve itchiness.
Tissues – for the emotional moments
Super glue
Fashion tape
Double sided tape – miracle worker!
Nail clippers
Nail file
Lighter – for fraying ribbon
Pantyhose – both black and nude
Water – this is a must! You need to stay hydrated so the effects of the day don’t get you down.
Granola bar or energy bars – you and your groom will barely have time to stop and eat throughout the day
Extra earring backs
Fake wedding ring – incase yours or your groom’s is forgotten
Sewing kit – make sure you have pre threaded needles! Trying to thread a needle in a rush with sweaty hands …not happening! Also include thread the color of your maids dresses and flower girl.
Tide To Go pen or other stain removal pen
Bug spray – for outdoor wedding and reception. Go for an all natural kind rather than one full of deet so you don’t end up smelling horrible.
Safety pins – for dress alterations in a pinch or to hold a wilting bouquet flower in its place.
Heel protectors for walking in grass
Flats or flips flops to change into when your feet are just done with the heels
White chalk – for covering up grease stains
Straws – so you can drink without ruining your lipstick
Rubber bands
Phone charger
Lint roller
Spare underwear – you never know!
A couple of extra pairs of men’s black socks – sometimes men just don’t think about the details and bring white socks to wear with a black suit…Sigh
Static guard – to keep bridesmaids dresses from getting stuck in all the wrong places.
Energy Bars – You and your groom will barely have time to stop and eat throughout the day. Of course you’ve ordered in some brunch for your wedding party while they’re getting ready (hint, hint) but if you’re getting ready early morning and your cocktail hour doesn’t start till 6 – it’s good to have quick grab and go snacks on hand.
Chalk – for removing grease spots from your groom’s shirt or your dress.
Baby wipes – if you’re taking pictures prior to your ceremony, you run the risk of your dress/train getting a bit dirty; baby wipes are gentle enough for the fabric.
Happy Wedding Planning!
Life is Delicious
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