Kansas Farm Food Tour
We want to introduce you to Angela Muir, she is a blogger who lives in Kansas City, Mo and her blog is Handmade in the Heartland. Recently, she along with 6 other bloggers were invited by the Kansas Farm Bureau to take a 3 day tour called the Kansas Farm Food Tour around the state to visit farms from produce to dairy and take a firsthand look at where our food comes. They asked the farmers tough questions to determine how safe is our food really?
This tour was The Kansas Farm Food Tour; you may be surprised at what she learned about our food, farms and the feed that farmers feed their flocks and herds and how our produce is grown and sent to market. She asked some hard questions and the farmers responded; they were open and genuine in their responses, no question was off limits. They were transparent and invited the bloggers behind the scenes to view every aspect of their business.
There is a lot of information out there about the safety of our food and this farm tour opened her eyes and raised more questions. She has this to say, ” I would say that there is a healthy amount of fear going through the American people to make sure to eat the “right” food with the right ingredients on the label- “Organic, Non GMO, Gluten Free, All Natural, etc.”. So where does our food really come from? Is our country being fed food that will kill us? Should we be scared to eat conventionally farmed food? “
She is doing a bi weekly blog post to share the answers to those tough questions. We will be sharing her posts with you. We think you will find them interesting and you may even find yourself reevaluating what you think about where our food comes from and how safe it really is. Just click here to read on Handmade in the heartland