2014 Harley Davison Sweepstakes Winner
Congratulations Nick & Jen on being our 2014 Harley Davidson winners! After being contacted and informed he had won the drawing, Nick was in disbelief. “I never win anything. Is this for real?” Nick questioned. Once assured that he had in fact won the drawing, Nick was elated with his good fortune. Nick was grateful that Jen had followed up by filling in the information and mailing the sweepstakes ticket. Nick’s mother, father and brother joined Jen & Nick for the presentation of the motorcycle. Jen & Nick’s wedding date is June 6, 2015
On January 22, 2015 Nick Neville and his fiancé Jen Beard were presented a Harley Davidson in Peoria, Illinois by Steve Owen, Vice President of Sales for the Kitchen Charm product division of The Kitchen Tradition Enterprises. Nick and Jen received their sweepstakes drawing card while attending a Dinner 4 Two product demonstration hosted by John & Kathy Willenbrock.
yes we like to join a dinner for two planning on getting married but not sure On date yet…what we need to do to enter ?can you email me please …thank you
Roxane, We apologize we havn’t gotten back to you sooner. would you like to attend one of our culinary demonstration or are you wondering how to register to win one of the honeymoons we are giving away each month this year. To register for the honeymoon give away go to 2bHoneymooners.com If you want to attend one of our culinary demonstrations email me back and we’ll get you set up. The Dinner4Two team